They do have a success rate, which means they can also fail at their attempt. In relation to gathering resources and the mission structure, you can send companions out on their own tasks (i.e., picking up food, getting ammo, or finding materials). Likewise, Chernobylite has five locations in the Exclusion Zone: Moscow Eye, Pripyat Central, Pripyat Port, Kopachi, and Red Forest.
He can then send you on an errand related to his narrative arc, or perhaps you’d get a different quest that lets you encounter a different companion. After completing it, you’ll probably receive another that lets you recruit a particular character like, say, Mikhail. For instance, your first companion, Olivier, would hand you a typical early-game starter quest. Basically, you’ll encounter missions that aren’t in any strict order. Mission structure, meeting companions, and general progressionĬhernobylite emphasizes non-linear storytelling concepts. You do need metal/ceramic plates which are created by using the Sheet Metal Tools/Industrial Furnace buildables (Igor’s Inventory – Armorsmith). Armor – You can fully negate an instance of damage (i.e., from hostiles and not radiation) by wearing armor pieces.Healing salves won’t be able to cure you past this point since you need to use anti-radiation ointments to remove the red pips. This occurs when you’ve been affected by too much radiation. Additionally, you’ll see that some pips might be red. Health – If this is fully depleted, Igor will end up dead (more on this in a while).If it’s completely depleted, you’ll lose health over time. Psyche – This will degrade whenever Igor sees strange creatures or if he kills hostiles, so try to keep it high by using calming salts.There are actually three bars (or pips) that you’ll want to take note of: This lets you create salves and ointments to keep Igor in tip-top condition. Ideally, you’ll want to have a stove (Igor’s Inventory – Crafting Tools) early in Chernobylite‘s campaign.
Note: If you have the materials while exploring, you can plop down various traps and even high-tech objects in the environment. These are useful to help boost the morale of your companions.